Sunday, November 17, 2019

Analyzes of Richard Aldrich, Untitled and Tomma Abts, Fewe Essay

Analyzes of Richard Aldrich, Untitled and Tomma Abts, Fewe - Essay Example The essay "Analyzes of Richard Aldrich, Untitled and Tomma Abts, Fewe" discovers that two paintings. In terms of specific application of colors of painting by Pichard Aldrich to convey formal meaning there are a number of differing components. The bottom part of the work is covered in red with two yellow doors. The doors seem to function as an entranceway into a house. Still, there is the recognition that the abstract nature of the work is such that attributing a specific formal assumption to this doors is difficult. As one considers the middle part of the work there is the recognition that the artist is seemingly attempting to depict windows. In this way three grey rectangles are featured directly in the center of the picture. While the formal elements of these rectangles can potentially depict windows they additionally could be viewed as representing eyes. There then occurs an overarching meditation on the nature of shape as embodying formal qualities of expression. Another signifi cant formal quality of the work is the walls that seemingly form a house-like structure surrounding the earlier described elements. While walls outline the lower portions of the structure, there are also strong vertical lines that extend into the upper right portions of the image. These strong lines are accompanied by more rectangles and squares. In this way the artist is seemingly breaking the earlier pattern of a home structure and again meditating on the expressive potential of lines and shapes.

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